There were cases reported by the SIPA members that a number of airlines did not refund the APDT in full to passengers. Having negotiated with the airlines concerned, SIPA successfully convinced airlines to rectify the inequitable practice in terms of withholding the refundable tax amount at airlines’ discretion.
Airlines purport to collect airport and government taxes on behalf of the relevant authorities. It is not part of the air fare and airlines should refund in full the APDT to passengers in accordance with the Hong Kong Civil Aviation APDT Ordinance (Cap 140) Section 14 (1) via their ticketing agents for ticket refunds of all fare types, inclusive of normal and conditional fares. No charge shall be payable for such refund.
根據SIPA 會員申訴若干航空公司未有按規定全數退還飛機乘客離境稅一事,SIPA 即時與相關航空公司跟進。經多番據理力爭,成功取得相關航空公司同意,今後將糾正過往處理方法,不會再自行從退稅款項中扣取任何費用。